? BSA for MRV to MDM ?
The Platform for Traffic Data integrates roadworks information in Cologne
For coordination of road works, the City of Cologne uses the “Baustellenatlas” (BSA) provided by infreSt. Furtheron, this information shall directly enter the Platform for Traffic Data (MobilitätsDatenMarktplatz, MDM). MDM is based on the traffic-relevant network (mobilitätsrelevantes Verkehrsnetz, MRV) which provides a detailed compilation of roads with high importance for traffic flows.
Our team is in charge of installing the required export interface towards MDM: on the one hand this is implemented for management of existing roadworks, on the other hand a “non-public” interface for future projects will be realized.
Hence, data about planned roadworks in the City of Cologne can be used not only internally, but also on the regional scale as well as by further data consumers. This generates an added value for all users without asking for additional efforts.