Diversity enlivens: linked reporting platforms for cyclists

More service quality for cyclists - less workload for public administration
Cyclists in the region around Frankfurt am Main have a direct communication channel to the public administration - or several. The Cycling Reporting Platform offers the opportunity to report problems such as damage to the infrastructure as well as suggestions to the responsible authorities. This system was developed by us some time ago for IVM (Integriertes Verkehrs- und Mobilitätsmanagement Region Frankfurt RheinMain). It is characterized above all by a sophisticated backend system that supports internal administrative work processes in the best possible way and thus ensures smooth and transparent processing.
Parallel to this regional reporting platform for bicycle traffic, many Hessian municipalities are also represented on the international reporting platform RADar! (Climate Alliance campaign "City Cycling"). While this is good for prestige, it also means more effort for the municipalities in message processing, since two systems can be operated in parallel.
In order to eliminate these duplications, we have networked the two systems. Thus, cyclists continue to use their preferred platform. Local authorities also decided which platform they prefer for processing their reports. The messages are synchronized between the two platforms and are therefore available everywhere. This increases the range and service quality for cyclists while at the same time reducing the workload in public administration.