MOBILITY LAB enters its third year

"MOBILITY LAB Graz grenzenlos" on the road to success
Since April 2017, the MOBILITY LAB Graz grenzenlos, co-organized by us, has been successfully promoting ideas for creative mobility solutions that further improve the quality of life in the urban region.
With competitions and idea pools, citizens are called upon to submit innovative proposals. Together with science, business, politics and administration, solutions are researched, tested and implemented. The focus is on innovations in the areas of influencing mobility awareness, urban regional logistics, traffic management 2.0 and autonomous driving.
Current ideas competition: "Stolen bike - and now? Your ideas for bicycle theft protection"
We are looking for innovative and affordable solutions for effective theft and vandalism protection for bicycles. Submit by 17.03.2019 and win attractive prizes!
In addition to the significant participation in the organisation of the MOBILITY LAB, PRISMA solutions offers the innovative service MobiMeter together with partners. This provides a tool for recording and evaluating mobility behavior to innovation projects, for example to measure and track the effect of measures on mobility behavior.
The MOBILITY LAB is supported by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology as well as the Province of Styria and the City of Graz.