Mobility Lab Graz

Press conference
Graz/Styria. The MOBILITY LAB, which we co-organized, has started operations. It aims to improve the quality of life in Graz with innovative mobility solutions.
It is intended to invent and live the mobility of the future in new ways. Lab partners are already researching and testing – experts from economy and science are implementing anchor projects relating to four subject areas (mobility behavior, city logistics, traffic management 2.0 and autonomous driving).
We supported the planning of this lab and also installed the data platform. The latter is used for data management and merging data to create quality-assured data packages for innovative projects as well as for integrating additional information services.
The press conference took place in Graz on the 16th of March,the following persons were interviewed:
- Norbert Hofer, Federal Minister for traffic, innovation and technology
- Anton Lang, member of the government of Styria
- Mag. Siegfried Nagl, Mayor of Graz
- Mag. (FH) Mario Eustacchio, Mayor deputy of Graz
- Elke Kahr, councillor of Graz
- Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Malik, chairman of Holding Graz
- Mag.a Barbara Muhr, executive director of Holding Graz
- Univ.-Prof. Dip.-Ing. DDr. Harald Kainz, president of TU Graz