PRISMA: always mastering challenges as a team!

... not only at the company trip 2024

This year's company outing took the PRISMA team to a completely new level, namely to lofty heights. We got a very interesting task: to enjoy a day full of nature and culture, but also full of adventure and challenges.

The traditional extensive breakfast with delicacies from the bakery Kolm - around the corner from the headquarters in Mödling - took place in the coach and served as a good basis for the upcoming events. For some of the employees, it was the first visit to the Burgenland state capital, where we visited Esterhazy Castle.

Afterwards, the main program was a large portion of fun and action; last but not least, it was said that “we are all in the same boat” when it comes to mutual motivation and experiences as well as overcoming personal hurdles. Together, our traffic and IT experts were able to master adventurous challenges and cool off their otherwise often smoking heads with an extra portion of thrills - in the Familypark, Austria's largest leisure and family park. And this was accomplished multimodally - in the air, on the train, on water, riding animals or in a tractor!

In the St. Margarethen quarry, we were then able to take a look behind the scenes of the legendary opera performances, but also learn more about the history of sand-lime brick mining. This eventflul day was rounded off with a cozy dinner.

Freshly empowered by these experiences and the excellent catering, PRISMA team is now continuing to  devote to the joint further development of TRAFF-X and our projects – and of course making plans for the next company trip in 2025.