Test drive with autonomous driving minibus

Koppl/Austria. For several weeks specialists of Salzburg Research have tested an autonomous driving minibus in a real environment. Theexperience gained this way will help such buses soon can go live. There are many cases of application and the citizens’ expectations are of course high. For the digi-bus to really be able to drive autonomously in public traffic and to carry passengers, some preparations have to be done beforehand: Salzburg Research plans to create a testing field for autonomously driving minibuses, and PRISMA solutions will contribute competences in the area of digital data infrastructure.
“Because high-quality data and their innovative processing are one of the most essential success factors for running such vehicles”, says Nik Widmann, CEO of PRISMA solutions. “Autonomous driving has been a an important research focus of ours for a long time. We intend to be the vanguard concerning this topic.”