PRISMA makes sense.
PRISMA solutions verbinde ich mit innovativen Forschungsthemen, wobei die Umsetzung in Praxisanwendungen immer von Beginn an mitgedacht wird.
Lutz Rittershaus
Referatsleiter F5 Vernetzte Mobilität; Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (BASt)
Why we are the way we are.
What's the PRISMA.spirit?
PRISMA solutions is an innovation-oriented service company. It is our daily task to network and interact. Building bridges and facilitating interaction is our aim. Our corporate culture is based on this.
We do not define these as the sum of individual measures. What is important is to live them. And that is what we do. We live mutual appreciation as well as company identification and motivation. The positive effects of our family and life phase-conscious orientation are noticeable. We also want to be a role model for other companies in the technology sector.
The positive consequences benefit us all - and our customers from the entire DACH region and beyond also appreciate them. It is important to us that employees feel comfortable in the company. We see this as a necessary basis for responsible and committed action and show clearly what we stand for and assume responsibility for. In this way, we pay particular attention to a fulfilling task and work environment.
The desire to design and the joy of constant innovation mean that PRISMA solutions' solutions are always up to date, both professionally and technically. For PRISMA solutions employees, it is not only important to be employed by an attractive employer, but also to make a meaningful social contribution with their actions.
What is important to us.
We think outside the box to bring in new ideas and find innovative solutions. Everyone should be able to see the added value of their work and make the right contribution to our meaningful goals.
Everyone's work is important for what we do in the company. Contributing to the further development of our tools for cooperative traffic management has a positive impact: ecologically, economically and socially.
Our work reflects our worldview and our beliefs. We understand the deeper purpose of our work and can identify with the company's goals.
Every person in the company should feel firmly integrated into the company structures. Everyone bears their share of responsibility and deserves feedback and recognition for the work they do.
Working team.
Together with our staff, we have created a working environment in which individuals feel engaged and motivated and find their work meaningful. We rely on our excellent and professional team.
We value innovation and creativity and appreciate the contribution of opinions, ideas and suggestions. To this end, we create space for independent thinking and action. This is essential for our complex work, because it enables us to achieve outstanding results together.
Werde Teil von PRISMA solutions
Wir legen großen Wert auf ein gesundes und familienfreundliches Arbeitsumfeld. Diese Zertifizierungen unterstreichen unsere Unternehmenskultur und werden regelmäßig erneuert.
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"Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf". 2017 wurde das im Unternehmen gelebte Verständnis einer optimalen Vereinbarkeit von Privatem und Beruf erstmals in Form gegossen. Seitdem wird das Zertifikat im 3-Jahre-Rhythmus erneuert. "Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung". Das Zertifikat wird ebenfalls im Dreijahresrhythmus mit gezielten, gemeinsam mit der Belegschaft definierten Maßnahmen aufgefrischt. 2024 wurde PRISMA solutions durch die Wirtschaftskammer Niederösterreich als familienfreundlichster Betrieb in Niederösterreich prämiert. Bei "Niederösterreich Radelt" ist PRISMA solutions regelmäßig top-platziert. 2024 wurde von der Belegschaft der österreichische Bundessieg "Österreich Radelt" erradelt. |