Be prepared for the worst case scenario: strategy management

By having strategies in place in the event of certain situations occurring, transport authorities are best prepared for planned - or even unforeseeable - events in the transport system and can respond to them appropriately.

PRISMA.experTalk: Use cases for traffic management strategies

You can do this with dynamic traffic management strategies.


Be prepared for the worst case scenario.

In case of an emergency, they already have ready-made strategies in the drawer that have been agreed upon with all those responsible - or, more precisely, in the traffic management centers and the various public and commercial data marketplaces. They are able to react to special traffic situations both quickly and with the appropriate measures.


Avoid collateral damage.

By activating prepared strategies in real time, mobility services and service providers can immediately access their information when a (problem) situation occurs and offer road users the best possible routing in the interests of public administration.


Optimize traffic flow.

Traffic is optimally directed in every situation according to your prepared strategies. By implementing traffic management strategies, you can optimize traffic flow in advance - in every situation.


Coordinate traffic planning measures.

By coordinating the nature of your strategies for the eventuality of an emergency, you can ensure that conflicts do not arise in the first place due to new measures.


Find the right strategies.

You can simulate the nature of necessary measures in advance in order to optimize your strategies - spatially, temporally and in terms of content.

We show how you can shape the mobility of tomorrow with PRISMA solutions today - based on concrete use cases with TRAFF-X in the area of ​​traffic management strategies.


A municipal traffic control center implements strategies for traffic control within a city in order to handle traffic volumes in the best possible way - for example in the case of (major) events.
