Your topics and questions - and our answers

The next PRISMA.experTalk will take place online on March 14, 2025, 11:00h - 12:00h. 

The spotlight is on digital event management - to optimize municipal and regional traffic processes.

Our mobility in everyday life is influenced by predictable but also unplanned events in the road space. These are not only a challenge for us as road users, but also for public administration. Their constant task is to deal with such events in the best possible way and to continually improve traffic processes.

The digitization of cooperative traffic management not only simplifies the coordination of events in the road space to avoid conflicts. Joint planning and approval in cooperation with the bodies involved is also efficient. And road users are informed at the right time and in the right place.

At the PRISMA.experTalk, experts will show how the management of events in road traffic can work successfully. 

Register here for the online PRISMA.experTalk on March 14, 2025.




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Information, documents and video recordings of the PRISMA.experTalks

"On the way to Navigation 2.0 - achieve more through smart traffic control"


Digital, cooperative traffic management is being practiced more and more frequently and the administration is able to react far more efficiently, promptly and adequately to events on the road. However, traffic control itself still takes place primarily via one communication channel: the physical infrastructure. With the advancing digitalization in the transport sector, far more channels for distributing traffic information are now available.

The new standard in traffic management includes an uninterrupted information chain with a continuous digital data flow, from analysis and planning in the administration to directly to road users. The information sent directly to individual devices influences the choice of time, means of transport and route depending on the current traffic situation - and optimizes this for the benefit of the user, but also for the benefit of traffic management.

We are convinced that a positive impact on traffic can be achieved by adopting traffic management strategies in navigation services. The beneficial effects of this can be seen on several levels. Supported by experts, we looked at and discussed these from different perspectives at the PRISMA.experTalk on December 6, 2024.

"EU-wide provision of digital traffic data – what are the consequences?"


The introduction of intelligent transport systems is accelerating; in many places, dealing with real-time traffic information is already part of everyday work. For traffic management, the large treasure trove of data that can be operated with leads to almost limitless possibilities for use.

Road users should also be ensured that this information can be received and used; this was implemented at EU level with the ITS Directive and the corresponding delegated regulations and incorporated into requirements for the provision of digital traffic data.

What obligations this entails for actors in the transport sector has not been fully clarified; there are numerous questions and ongoing discussions about the extent of implementation in the EU countries. With the PRISMA.experTalk on October 18, 2024, we looked at the topic from different perspectives, supported by experts.

"Close the information chain, think holistically, act cooperatively": applied traffic management in Switzerland.


Current and predicted traffic challenges require increasingly complex measures in a shorter response time. These can be met within the framework of innovative and cooperative traffic management. The basic prerequisite for this is, of course, a continuous digital information chain, from the administration directly to road users. But how will it be possible to ensure a consistent and quality-assured flow of data?

That was the topic of the PRISMA.experTalk on December 15, 2023 at 11 a.m. Using Switzerland as an example, we showed how the challenges are being addressed there, what initiatives the federal government is implementing and how data coordination between cities, cantons and the federal government can be successful.

"Analyzing traffic problems and impacts objectively": Advanced methods for impact analysis


A lot of decisions have to be made in everyday traffic management; underlying traffic situations are becoming more and more complex. But has all relevant data and information been taken into account? Ultimately, decisions should be made in a comprehensible and fact-based manner in order to withstand critical scrutiny. Admittedly, this has only been possible to a limited extent up to now.

So how can objective principles be used instead of an individual perception of traffic problems? With its data analysis tools optimized for everyday traffic management, TRAFF-X.impact enables municipalities to raise their investigations and evaluations to a higher quality level - digitally, of course.

How this works was the topic of the PRISMA.experTalk on October 13, 2023.


Significant improvements have already been achieved in the course of the digitalization initiatives for traffic management and hurdles to cooperation have been overcome. The benefits of digital administration and cooperative planning are evident even in seemingly trivial tasks in everyday traffic management.

The PRISMA.experTalks tell us about this. Special applications along core tasks and subject areas show what is already possible. But in practice, these subject areas are often dealt with individually, even though they are closely intertwined.

The task for the future is therefore: rethink traffic management - and consider the bigger picture. The next declared milestone is not only to make the interlinking of the individual disciplines involved in traffic management technically possible, but also to institutionalize it in reality.

We showed how this can be implemented on June 20, 2023 at 11:00 a.m.

"Traffic management connects!"


Digitalization in traffic management enables us to increase the efficiency and transparency of government processes. The potential for using synergy effects through cooperation - between different levels, responsibilities and areas of responsibility in traffic management - is therefore enormous. But what factors make cooperative traffic management successful?

The added value that comes from cooperation in everyday life can be clearly seen in the Munich and Oberland region, where traffic management strategies are planned across projects and triggered and communicated in a situation-related manner.

On March 31, 2023, our experts used project examples in this context to show what is needed for cooperation in traffic management to be successful - for everyone involved.

"Routing: a key to achieving traffic management goals"


Optimized routing is highly relevant for individuals operating in the transport sector, but also for other target groups - such as operators of local public transport, transport companies or providers of mobility services. Administrative units also benefit from efficient exchange with routing systems: this enables them to better implement their defined measures and strategies.

The one-hour online experTalk on January 27, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. provided an insight into current trends, projects and partnerships in the routing spectrum and showed how cooperative traffic management can benefit from advanced developments in the routing area.

"Better evaluate mobility data with MobiMeter analysis tools"


MobiMeter takes mobility analysis to a whole new level - whether in mobility management, with data collected at specific times or over a longer period of time, in traffic planning or around events. Completed missions show the diverse possible uses of MobiMeter.

But MobiMeter is not just an app that recognizes routes traveled and means of transport used. The real added value only comes from evaluating the data. This is done by the MobiMeter® evaluation module.

Highlights of the comprehensive analysis options with this tool were shown on October 21, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. The PRISMA.experTalk was rounded off by practical reports from mobility experts who recently used the MobiMeter tools for themselves - in very different ways.

"lex2vehicle: Bringing traffic law to the end user – The future begins now"


A topic that we at PRISMA solutions have been working on successfully for two decades has gained a completely new drive in recent years: digitally preparing traffic regulations so that they can ultimately be followed not only by humans, but also by automated vehicles. After one and a half years of cross-border interdisciplinary cooperation, we were able to present and discuss the results of our research activities together with our partners and our clients.

"Skillfully manage heavy transport with TRAFF-X"


We showed you how to manage truck traffic and how to best handle its impact on the overall traffic situation.

PRISMA.experTalk series "Traffic Management Strategies"


Three PRISMA.experTalks presented the topic of traffic management strategies from different perspectives, followed by a fourth PRISMA.experTalk with direct practical relevance:

PRISMA experTalk "TRAFF-X.parkinfo"


Innovative solutions in parking space management.

PRISMA.experTalk "MobiMeter"


Use cases and application possibilities for the innovative tool for recording people's mobility behavior.



Current questions, topics that concern you - and our answers

Stay tuned to find out which topic will be in the PRISMA spotlight next. Participation in the PRISMA.experTalks is free, the number of participants is limited! Information and announcements can be found on this page. 

Do you have any topics you would like to see, ideas or suggestions? Are there any questions about our products? Contact us at any time.

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PRISMA solutions EDV-Dienstleistungen GmbH
Klostergasse 18
2340 Mödling, Österreich

+43 2236 / 479 75