
Der neueste PRISMA.experTalk ist online

PRISMA.experTalk: auf dem Weg zur Navigation 2.0 - mehr erreichen...

UVARs: Urban Vehicle Access Regulations

Urban Vehicle Access Regulations – UVARs for short – help...

Upcoming PRISMA.experTalk

... achieve more with smart traffic control!

Digital, cooperative traffic...

Webinar: Latvia meets DACH

Upgrading old systems can be good. Introducing new digital technologies...

BAU-ER team meeting in Austria

At the beginning of October 2024, a further chapter was...


This year's Smart Country Convention, from October 15th to 17th...

TRAFF-X® proves its value at major events...

The 2024 Cycling and Para-Cycling World Championships are in full...

EU-wide provision of digital traffic data – what are the consequences?

The introduction of intelligent transport systems is accelerating throughout the...

TRAFF-X® in action at the 2024 Cycling World Championships

From Saturday, September 21 to Sunday, September 29, the Cyling...


And leave work at home! Admittedly, this will be difficult,...

TRAFF-X® in a new appearance

Software updates: these are often amendments in the system background...

There is always something to celebrate. And even more in 2024.

And we do that regularly! Every year towards the end...

Spotlight on: digital traffic flow optimization

In mid-June, PRISMA Managing Director Stefan Kollarits engaged in intensive...

Insight with foresight!

PRISMA CEO Nik Widmann had the unique opportunity to present...

Traffic management – no limits

Use cloud and AI technologies for traffic safety! Today, traffic...

Workshop Traffic Data Platform CH

On June 4, 2024, the workshop "Traffic Data Platform CH...

Award from the Chamber of Commerce

Perhaps it's not typical for a company operating in the...

Digitization in transport: it's about more than just information

The next milestone for construction site and event management with...

Digitization of traffic regulations as a game changer

Road traffic regulations have always been published in a legally...

Traffic management – no limits: ITS-CH network event

Today, traffic management operates within administrative jurisdictional boundaries in many...

PRISMA TRAFF-X® solutions at the Stuttgart Spring Festival

It's all about give and take. Also when it comes...


More than 300 live participants and numerous views of the...

Another state seal of quality for PRISMA solutions

1,955 / 5,000

Translation results
Translation result

At PRISMA, a healthy relation between...

Switzerland an its approach to up-to-date traffic management

The latest PRISMA.experTalk on December 15, 2023 generated great interest...

We came second in the "Niederösterreich radelt" competition

PRISMA has been taking part in the "Radelt zur Arbeit"...

It all centres on smart mobility

At this year’s Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona,...

Increasing safety of the traffic system by digitizing law

Road traffic has changed considerably in recent decades. Traffic regulations...

Webinar EU project TAAM

At the end of October, you can learn all about...

Paving the way for a Mobility Observatory

The great importance of up-to-date and meaningful situation reports on...

Objectively analyze traffic problems and effects!

A lot of decisions have to be made in everyday...

PRISMA TRAFF-X(r) solutions at the IAA Mobility 2023

How can dynamic traffic management strategies unfold their eintire power?...

Bringing momentum into the (planning) cycle

Our PRISMA TRAFF-X® solutions holistically cover the planning tasks in...

6. „Regional Conference Mobility Turnaround“ in Karlsruhe

There, together with the DLR Institute for Transport System Technology,...

PRISMA's contribution to current city toll discussions

The mobility turnaround has begun, but how can it be...

Behavioral economic approaches in traffic management

We at PRISMA deal with digitization in traffic management. But...


PRISMA’s solutions include what is needed in the cooperative traffic...

Regional mobility platform supports Smart Mobility

The Stuttgart region has reached a milestone in cross-responsibility traffic...

Digital traffic management in the monarchy of the Alps

The time has come: the entire Principality of Liechtenstein is...

Mobility Platforms in the Spotlight

Due to the ever-increasing availability of mobility data, numerous mobility...

Traffic management unites forces!

Digitization in traffic management enables us to increase the efficiency...

How intelligent management of Park & Ride facilities supports multimodality

Parking and the management of stationary traffic: We are familiar...

Modern parking space management in Munich

Like most metropolitan areas, the City of Munich faces challenges...

Citizen participation in a new way

As part of the "Digital Traffic Flow Optimization" (DVFO) project,...

A key for realizing traffic management goals

Optimized routing is highly relevant for individuals acting in the...

Update of cycling traffic feedback platform Hessen

In Hessen, for a number of years cyclists have been...

Routing: a key for achieving traffic management goals

As individuals, we use routing services daily in order to...

PRISMA solutions runner-up at "NÖ radelt"

It's already a tradition: in 2022 we at PRISMA took...

Digital transformation in mobility

Why travel far away when important things are also happening...

One day in Paris ...

No holiday photo! PRISMA Managing Director Nik Widmann presented the...

Evaluate mobility data in a better way

There was great interest in the latest PRISMA.experTalk, which took...

Digital traffic flow optimization

German road and traffic congress in Dortmund. One of the...

We are Trans|formator:s of mobility spaces

In September 2022, a new, ambitious research project was kicked...

Mobility monitoring data for Austria

In a mobility system that is currently undergoing change, it...

Evaluate mobility data in a better way!

Implemented actions show: MobiMeter® raises mobility analysis to a completely...

The UVAR Box Tool - powered by PRISMA


Low-emission zones, parking regulations, congestion regulations, zones with restricted traffic...

MobiMeter® survey @ GI_Salzburg22

Who hasn't heard of MobiMeter®? Certainly most of you. Because...

MobiMeter® and TRAFF-X® at the GI_Salzburg22

It was awaited for a long time, now it took...

Automated driving in a legal framework by and for people

Processing traffic regulations digitally in such a way that they...

Benefit from MobiMeter® - also at events

MobiMeter® is the tool of choice when mobility surveys with...

TRAFF-X® tools for skilful traffic management that serves various interests

Floods of heavy goods vehicles (HGV), noise pollution, environmental impact:...

MobiMeter® in service of the environment

AGIT" in Salzburg is well known as the largest geoinformatics...

Traffic Data Acquisition Vorarlberg

In the federal government of Vorarlberg, vehicle data are permanently...

The future starts now!

A topic that we at PRISMA solutions have been successfully...

Guiding truck traffic skilfully: that's possible with TRAFF-X®

It is a (weighty) challenge: the consideration of HGV traffic...

How to: TRAFF-X.plan and TRAFF-X.impact

The PRISMA website provides information on all modules in TRAFF-X®,...

Dreams of the future become actual practice with TRAFF-X®

Stimulated by the current COVID19 situation, the past year offered...

Contemporary traffic management – how to?

Our last three PRISMA.experTalks were dedicated to the topic of...

BGF seal of approval 2022-2024 for PRISMA solutions

Our company received another award. This time it is the...

TRAFF-X © pioneering tools for environmentally sensitive traffic management

Being part of the "Digital Traffic Flow Optimization" project, we...

lex2vehicle: building bridges between law and technology

We have made substantial progress in this DACH research project....

Perspectives for traffic management strategies

The second experTalk of the three-part PRISMA series on traffic...

A PRISMA product for tomorrow's mobility

In October 2021, we again had a great opportunity to...

Traffic management strategies: what for, with what and how?

It is a highly interesting, but also a complex topic...

Ever heard of traffic management strategies?

Traffic management strategies serve to avoid traffic problems. There are...

FAIRSPACE: a winner of the VCÖ Mobility Award 2021

As an innovative company, PRISMA solutions offers solutions in the...

Cross-responsibility dynamic road traffic management in the Stuttgart region

According to law, it's a task of the Stuttgart Region...

A planning tool for environmentally sensitive traffic management

The state capital Stuttgart is severely affected by the negative...

On-demand traffic in and around Offenbach in the spotlight

The Mobility Strategy for the Rhine-Main agglomeration includes promotion of...

Hybrid as a new normality

Our integrated software solutions provide traffic planning with a crucial...

Starting off into a new mobility era with PRISMA solutions

PRISMA solutions is an innovative company. We offer not only...

Parking problems can be solved: with TRAFF-X.parkinfo

At the end of June 2021, in the second PRISMA...

Parking space issues can be solved !

The parking space issue is always a topic of discussion.


Bringing traffic management strategies to road users

Mobile navigation info in the car or from the mobile...

FAIR SPACE: for a "fair" use of roads

Over the decades, provision of sufficient space for motorized traffic...

Spotlight on MobiMeter®

MobiMeter®, the innovative tool for recording mobility, was presented in...

Online PRISMA experTalk MobiMeter®

MobiMeter® ist das innovative Tool zur Erfassung des Mobilitätsverhaltens von Personen.


Understanding bicycle mobility - promoting cycling in a better way

Bicyle mobility affects numerous aspects, from infrastructure to social trends....

Digibus® Austria: a successful closing event

Under the direction of Salzburg research, the Austrian lead project...

Digital traffic network Switzerland

In Switzerland, it will soon be easier to combine different...

Digibus® Austria: The final event

The Austrian lead project Digibus® Austria conducted research about the...

PRISMA solutions again awarded as certified family-friendly employer

PRISMA solutions supports a good work-life balance for employees. This...

We're looking for a new team member!

We are looking for a data management expert to strengthen...

DACH project lex2vehicle

After three successful stakeholder workshops for Germany, Austria and Switzerland,...

"Geo-IT in Mobility and Traffic": the book

Spatial information and geoinformatics play a key role in contemporary...

Mödling remains on the fast lane with TRAFF-X®

The city of Mödling started creating all authority notifications and...

Bicycle Observatory: It's all a question of type

Cycling is getting political tailwind. This gives importance to the...

A priority network for freight transport

In the Frankfurt Rhine-Main region, freight transport on the road...

We support road users with UVAR Box

Local access regulations are increasingly used in European cities. After...

EcoHub optimizes the delivery chain

We are used to the fact that almost everything is...

PRISMA solutions, a family-friendly employer

We support a good work-life balance for our employees. Our...

The FSV traffic day in Vienna

On September 15th we are representing PRISMA solutions at the...

MobiMeter® on the success path

With the recently started MobiMeter® survey in central Styria, things...

Digibus® Austria in Salzburg

Digibus® Austria researches and tests the operation of automated shuttles...

MobiMeter® and the VCÖ Mobility Award 2020

The VCÖ Mobility Award is Austria's largest competition for climate-friendly...

INTERREG project PROLINE-CE officially finalized

Between 2015 and 2020, we supported the Austrian Federal Ministry...

TRAFF-X® meets BAU: ER

For the improved management of events in public spaces, our...

Job vacancy !

PRISMA solutions team has created a new product generation for...

Every year ... ? The Austrian Cycling Summit 2020

The Corona crisis also affects the 13th Austrian Cycling Summit....

TRAFF-X® goes Mödling!

As the first town in Lower Austria, the city of...

A special market place

You don't have a lot of time, so you want...

MobiMeter®, TRAFF-X® und Co.

Our CEO Nik Widmann had the opportunity to publish an...

Success story MADISMA accomplished

„MADISMA - Mastering local natural disasters with smart governance“, a...

B must know what A wants!

When choosing our route, we usually rely on the mobile...

Join our team!

Further information can be found here. 

Traffic management for the purposes of traffic administration

Our experience is asked for also in Switzerland: an updated...

? BSA for MRV to MDM ?

For coordination of road works, the City of Cologne uses...

TRAFF-X® for scooters & co.

Together with AustriaTech, the traffic committee of the Austrian Association...

We are winners in Lower Austria

This year we were again able to assert ourselves against...

How is the walkability in your city?

Walking is the most environmentally friendly form of transport, it...

Mobility Manager powered by TRAFF-X®

Baden-Württemberg operates the mobility manager powered by TRAFF-X®.
The company NVBW...

Digibus® Demo Day

Until the beginning of October, interested people were able to...

Europe-wide transport of dangerous goods

In cooperation with the Spanish dangerous goods expert AITEC, we...

Mobility Lab at Mobility Festival in Graz

Not only the hourly raffle of bicycle locks and Graz...

Company outing 2019

This year's company outing took us south. Admittedly not too...


Cities are booming. Traffic collapse, lack of parking space and...

Regional Mobility Platform (RMP)

Stuttgart plays a pioneering role in smart mobility. The action...


Visit us in SMART CITY PAVILLON, Hall 4 and discover...

AGIT 2019

We had the pleasure of spending interesting and varied days...

PRISMA expertalks II at AGIT

Thursday, July, 4th, 4.30 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Location: F -...

PRISMA expertalks I at AGIT

Wednesday, July 3rd, 3 p.m. - 4.30 p.m.

Location: G - HS414

Chair: Nik...

Lecture at the GEOSpatial Data Day in Bern

Florian Hilti, CEO PRISMA solutions Germany, spoke on GEODay 2019...

Optimal Land Use Management

Nothing but good news also from the Interreg project CAMARO-D:...

Effective Methods for Drinking Water Conservation

We have good news from our project management team: In...

eCargo Bike Summit Tour

PRISMA solutions is committed to the promotion of cycling. This...

State of Tyrol gets insight into traffic processes

In order to gain a sound insight into traffic processes,...

Cycling summit participants record their mobility profile

We will be at the bike summit again this year...

Experience tomorrow's mobility with Digibus®...

Test our automated shuttle bus at the Lower Austria State...

Diversity enlivens: linked reporting platforms for cyclists

Cyclists in the region around Frankfurt am Main have a...


At thinkport VIENNA at the Port of Vienna, the first...

Citizens Dialogue on Automated Mobility

Your opinion on the subject of self-propelled vehicles is in...

MOBILITY LAB enters its third year

Since April 2017, the MOBILITY LAB Graz grenzenlos, co-organized by...

Cycle to Work 2018 – Results

For the 6th time in a row, some of our...

Delayed Christmas?

One can interpret it one way or the other: either...

Cycle Competence Austria - we are part of it

We are part of „Cycle Competence Austria“. This platform wants...

BGF seal 2019-2021

We have again received the BGF seal of approval (Austrian...


Not only has our website been relaunched, but our solutions...

Every minute counts in case of an emergency

Operation routing 4.0 - this is the name of the...

Climathon Graz

We support sustainable mobility in Graz - apply now with...

European Cycling Summit


We show ways to promote cyclingAt the European Cycling Summit...

Graz seeks ideas for mobility

GRAZ SEEKS ideas and innovations in the field of mobility....

That was AGIT

Following our stand motto "You have the questions... We have...

Digibus® Austria

Digibus® Austria researches and tests the reliable and safe operation of...

Helping to sustainably promote cycling

We are supporting the City of Salzburg in its efforts...

Improving conditions for pedestrians

Walking is healthy, promotes social contacts and is a basic...

Discovering potentials for a fairer use of public spaces

The sustainable mobility of future generations will depend crucially on...

Our lucky winners were in Amsterdam

Last year our “Cycle to Work” team “PRISMA Riders” (Stefan...

We won the RADLand Mobility Award

We won the RADLand Mobility Award 2018 in the category...

Mobility Lab Graz

Graz/Styria. The MOBILITY LAB, which we co-organized, has started operations....

New location in Frankfurt

Our subsidiary was founded more than two years ago in...

Project moveBW

Germany. The project, which has started in Baden-Württemberg at the...

PRISMA Run 2017

We were lucky at our PRISMA Run and could enjoy...

Works outing 2017

Under the motto „PRISMA solutions goes urban“ we travelled to...

Most family-friendly company in Lower Austria

We took part in the provincial prize competition for the...

Digital traffic act files

In Mödling’s Transport Department paper files were piling up, because...

Family-friendly employer

We have always supported a balanced work-life balance for our...

VCÖ Mobility Award

We submitted the project moveBW (mobility information and traffic control...

Cycle to work

Since 2015 our employees have been busily cycling to work...

Villach Mobility Concept 2035

Dr. Kurt Fallast (PLANUM) presented the mobility concept at the...

German Municipal Congress

Together with partners, we demonstrated at this congress how cooperative...

Heart Run Vienna

Vienna. Some of our colleagues joined the „Herzlauf“ (Heart Run)...

Test drive with autonomous driving minibus

Koppl/Austria. For several weeks specialists of Salzburg Research have tested...

flex.depot means more flexibility for Austrian Post

Vienna. Together with our partner myVision, we carried out the...

Award-winning internship

In the summer of 2016, BMVIT supported 1,400 internships in...